Scott Robinson is a writer, academic and unionist, published in Overland, MeMo Review, Index Journal, Arena, Monthly Review, Artlink, ArtsHub and demos journal and elsewhere. He is currently associate editor at Philosophy, Politics, Critique.
Recent Publications
“The Earth is still in the urne unto us”: On carbon sequestration, or the burial of air, Overland, Issue 251
‘Terra Nullius, Framed?’, Arena, No.19
‘Slippery Totalities’, Overland
‘How not to care about ecology’, Artlink, 44:1
‘Remnants of Perception’, Artlink
‘Among the Idolaters’, Un Magazine, 18.1
‘The Price of Water and the Ongoing Colonization of Nature: Australian Cases in Global Context’, Monthly Review
‘Cutting Through Time – Cressida Campbell, Margaret Preston and the Japanese Print’, Memo Review
‘Horse Girl Energy’, Memo Review
‘Degrowth and the Technocratic Turn’, Arena Quarterly, 17
‘Damned Rivers: Chronicling the Murray-Darling Basin Region’, Arena
‘Muckraking water markets: political journalism in the Murray-Darling Basin’, Overland
‘Depreciating the Real: The Never-Ending Disappointment of AI’, Arena
‘Fugitive Abstraction: Gordon Bennett’s Stripe Series’, Index Journal